54 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Sanders-Freiman-Ruzsa Theorem in Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n and its Application to Non-malleable Codes

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    Non-malleable codes (NMCs) protect sensitive data against degrees of corruption that prohibit error detection, ensuring instead that a corrupted codeword decodes correctly or to something that bears little relation to the original message. The split-state model, in which codewords consist of two blocks, considers adversaries who tamper with either block arbitrarily but independently of the other. The simplest construction in this model, due to Aggarwal, Dodis, and Lovett (STOC'14), was shown to give NMCs sending k-bit messages to O(k7)O(k^7)-bit codewords. It is conjectured, however, that the construction allows linear-length codewords. Towards resolving this conjecture, we show that the construction allows for code-length O(k5)O(k^5). This is achieved by analysing a special case of Sanders's Bogolyubov-Ruzsa theorem for general Abelian groups. Closely following the excellent exposition of this result for the group F2n\mathbb{F}_2^n by Lovett, we expose its dependence on pp for the group Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n, where pp is a prime

    Solving the Closest Vector Problem in 2n2^n Time--- The Discrete Gaussian Strikes Again!

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    We give a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time and space randomized algorithm for solving the exact Closest Vector Problem (CVP) on nn-dimensional Euclidean lattices. This improves on the previous fastest algorithm, the deterministic O~(4n)\widetilde{O}(4^{n})-time and O~(2n)\widetilde{O}(2^{n})-space algorithm of Micciancio and Voulgaris. We achieve our main result in three steps. First, we show how to modify the sampling algorithm from [ADRS15] to solve the problem of discrete Gaussian sampling over lattice shifts, LtL- t, with very low parameters. While the actual algorithm is a natural generalization of [ADRS15], the analysis uses substantial new ideas. This yields a 2n+o(n)2^{n+o(n)}-time algorithm for approximate CVP for any approximation factor γ=1+2o(n/logn)\gamma = 1+2^{-o(n/\log n)}. Second, we show that the approximate closest vectors to a target vector tt can be grouped into "lower-dimensional clusters," and we use this to obtain a recursive reduction from exact CVP to a variant of approximate CVP that "behaves well with these clusters." Third, we show that our discrete Gaussian sampling algorithm can be used to solve this variant of approximate CVP. The analysis depends crucially on some new properties of the discrete Gaussian distribution and approximate closest vectors, which might be of independent interest

    Why we couldn't prove SETH hardness of the Closest Vector Problem for even norms, and of the Subset Sum Problem!

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    Recent work [BGS17,ABGS19] has shown SETH hardness of some constant factor approximate CVP in the p\ell_p norm for any pp that is not an even integer. This result was shown by giving a Karp reduction from kk-SAT on nn variables to approximate CVP on a lattice of rank nn. In this work, we show a barrier towards proving a similar result for CVP in the p\ell_p norm where pp is an even integer. We show that for any c,c>0c, c'>0, if for every k>0k > 0, there exists an efficient reduction that maps a kk-SAT instance on nn variables to a (1+exp(nc)))(1+exp(-n^c)))-CVP instance for a lattice of rank at most ncn^{c'} in the Euclidean norm, then coNPNP/Poly\mathsf{coNP} \subset \mathsf{NP/Poly}. We prove a similar result for (1+exp(nc)))(1+exp(-n^c)))-CVP for all even norms under a mild additional promise that the ratio of the distance of the target from the lattice and the shortest non-zero vector in the lattice is bounded by exp(nO(1))exp(n^{O(1)}). Furthermore, we show that for any c,c>0c,c' > 0, and any even integer pp, if for every k>0k > 0, there exists an efficient reduction that maps a kk-SAT instance on nn variables to a (1+exp(nc)))(1+exp(-n^c)))-SVPpSVP_p instance for a lattice of rank at most ncn^{c'}, then coNPNP/Poly\mathsf{coNP} \subset \mathsf{NP/Poly}. The result for SVP does not require any additional promise. While prior results have indicated that lattice problems in the 2\ell_2 norm (Euclidean norm) are easier than lattice problems in other norms, this is the first result that shows a separation between these problems. We achieve this by using a result by Dell and van Melkebeek [JACM, 2014] on the impossibility of the existence of a reduction that compresses an arbitrary kk-SAT instance into a string of length O(nkϵ)\mathcal{O}(n^{k-\epsilon}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0. In addition to CVP, we also show that the same result holds for the Subset-Sum problem using similar techniques.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figure

    Improved Algorithms for the Shortest Vector Problem and the Closest Vector Problem in the Infinity Norm

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    Blomer and Naewe[BN09] modified the randomized sieving algorithm of Ajtai, Kumar and Sivakumar[AKS01] to solve the shortest vector problem (SVP). The algorithm starts with N=2O(n)N = 2^{O(n)} randomly chosen vectors in the lattice and employs a sieving procedure to iteratively obtain shorter vectors in the lattice. The running time of the sieving procedure is quadratic in NN. We study this problem for the special but important case of the \ell_\infty norm. We give a new sieving procedure that runs in time linear in NN, thereby significantly improving the running time of the algorithm for SVP in the \ell_\infty norm. As in [AKS02,BN09], we also extend this algorithm to obtain significantly faster algorithms for approximate versions of the shortest vector problem and the closest vector problem (CVP) in the \ell_\infty norm. We also show that the heuristic sieving algorithms of Nguyen and Vidick[NV08] and Wang et al.[WLTB11] can also be analyzed in the \ell_{\infty} norm. The main technical contribution in this part is to calculate the expected volume of intersection of a unit ball centred at origin and another ball of a different radius centred at a uniformly random point on the boundary of the unit ball. This might be of independent interest.Comment: Changed the titl

    Just Take the Average! An Embarrassingly Simple 2^n-Time Algorithm for SVP (and CVP)

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    We show a 2^{n+o(n)}-time (and space) algorithm for the Shortest Vector Problem on lattices (SVP) that works by repeatedly running an embarrassingly simple "pair and average" sieving-like procedure on a list of lattice vectors. This matches the running time (and space) of the current fastest known algorithm, due to Aggarwal, Dadush, Regev, and Stephens-Davidowitz (ADRS, in STOC, 2015), with a far simpler algorithm. Our algorithm is in fact a modification of the ADRS algorithm, with a certain careful rejection sampling step removed. The correctness of our algorithm follows from a more general "meta-theorem," showing that such rejection sampling steps are unnecessary for a certain class of algorithms and use cases. In particular, this also applies to the related 2^{n + o(n)}-time algorithm for the Closest Vector Problem (CVP), due to Aggarwal, Dadush, and Stephens-Davidowitz (ADS, in FOCS, 2015), yielding a similar embarrassingly simple algorithm for gamma-approximate CVP for any gamma = 1+2^{-o(n/log n)}. (We can also remove the rejection sampling procedure from the 2^{n+o(n)}-time ADS algorithm for exact CVP, but the resulting algorithm is still quite complicated.

    Quantum attacks on Bitcoin, and how to protect against them

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    The key cryptographic protocols used to secure the internet and financial transactions of today are all susceptible to attack by the development of a sufficiently large quantum computer. One particular area at risk are cryptocurrencies, a market currently worth over 150 billion USD. We investigate the risk of Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, to attacks by quantum computers. We find that the proof-of-work used by Bitcoin is relatively resistant to substantial speedup by quantum computers in the next 10 years, mainly because specialized ASIC miners are extremely fast compared to the estimated clock speed of near-term quantum computers. On the other hand, the elliptic curve signature scheme used by Bitcoin is much more at risk, and could be completely broken by a quantum computer as early as 2027, by the most optimistic estimates. We analyze an alternative proof-of-work called Momentum, based on finding collisions in a hash function, that is even more resistant to speedup by a quantum computer. We also review the available post-quantum signature schemes to see which one would best meet the security and efficiency requirements of blockchain applications.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures. For a rough update on the progress of Quantum devices and prognostications on time from now to break Digital signatures, see https://www.quantumcryptopocalypse.com/quantum-moores-law

    Extractors: Low Entropy Requirements Colliding With Non-Malleability

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    The known constructions of negligible error (non-malleable) two-source extractors can be broadly classified in three categories: (1) Constructions where one source has min-entropy rate about 1/21/2, the other source can have small min-entropy rate, but the extractor doesn't guarantee non-malleability. (2) Constructions where one source is uniform, and the other can have small min-entropy rate, and the extractor guarantees non-malleability when the uniform source is tampered. (3) Constructions where both sources have entropy rate very close to 11 and the extractor guarantees non-malleability against the tampering of both sources. We introduce a new notion of collision resistant extractors and in using it we obtain a strong two source non-malleable extractor where we require the first source to have 0.80.8 entropy rate and the other source can have min-entropy polylogarithmic in the length of the source. We show how the above extractor can be applied to obtain a non-malleable extractor with output rate 12\frac 1 2, which is optimal. We also show how, by using our extractor and extending the known protocol, one can obtain a privacy amplification secure against memory tampering where the size of the secret output is almost optimal